Evangelos Vassilakakis

Vassileos Irakliou 47
Thessaloniki 546 23
Judge at the Special Supreme Court of Greece (2010-2011); Judge at the Special Court of Art. 99 of the Greek Constitution for the period 1.3.2009-28.2.2010 (jurisdiction on claims against judges for erroneous law enforcement); Member of the Greek Committee for Private International Law (Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs); Greek delegate at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (June 2001, April 2002); EU expert (Technical Assistance in Southeastern Europe, 2000-2005): Vice-President of the Jurists Association of Northern Greece (2011-2014).
Membership: Thessaloniki Bar Association - International Arbitration Institute (IAI) - Hellenic Arbitration Association.
Enrolled as arbitrator at: the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC); the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC); the Court of Arbitration of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI); the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania; the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of Croatia (international cases): the Arbitration Court at the Greek-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Athens): the Permanent Court of Arbitration attached to the Economic Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia.
Chairman in 2 arbitrations (one of them under ICC Rules), party-appointed arbitrator in 10 international arbitrations (6 ICC arbitrations, including a twin arbitration related to claims of 700 million USD approx.), counsel in 2 arbitrations (one of them ICC arbitration), legal expert in one ICC arbitration – main issues dealt with: sales of goods, distribution agreements, international contracts.
Books: Orientations méthodologiques dans les codifications récentes du droit international privé en Europe, Paris 1987(Thèse de Doctoratd’Etat - Prix Veuve Scelle); Private International Law (in Greek), Sixth Edition, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2017; Concurrent International Jurisdiction in Contracts and Torts (Art. 5.1 and 5.3 of Brussels Convention and Regulation 44/2001) (in Greek), Thessaloniki 2004; (Editor of) International Procedural Law, (in Greek), Athens 2008. Law review articles and publications in special volumes (including essays in honor of distinguished scholars):International Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Issues in Distribution Agreements (in Greek), Dikaion Etairion kai Epichireiseon 2004.857-870 (Athens); Die Anwendung des EuGVÜ und der EuGVO in der griechischen Rechtsprechung, IPRax 2005.279-284 (Germany); La professio juris dans les successions internationales, Mélanges Paul Lagarde, Paris 2005, pp. 803-816; The Enforceability of Foreign Arbitral Awards Adjudicating Punitive Damages, Festschrift P.J. Kozyris, Athens, 2007, pp. 493-503; Recognition or Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and State Succession: The Ghostly Paradigm of the Agreement between Greece and Yugoslavia in Comparison to the New York Convention of 1958, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook 2009.281-297 (Zagreb); Scope of Application of the Arbitration Agreement and Lifting the Corporate Veil (in Greek), Epitheorissi Politikis Dikonomias (Civil Procedure Law Review) 2010.24-38 (Athens); The Impact of the Unification of European Procedural Law on Commercial Agency and Distribution Agreements, in Collection of Papers, Skopje 2011, p. 145-158; Droit international privé, Vo Grèce, Jurisclasseur de Droit comparé, Paris, 2012: International Jurisdiction in Insurance Matters under Regulation Brussels I, Revue hellénique de droit international 273-294 (Athens);The Challenge of Arbitrators and the Impact on the Functioning of Arbitral Tribunals, Czech (and Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration 2014.249-266; Das auf die Vererblichkeit von Anteilen an einer Kapitalgesellschaft anzuwendende Recht (im Hinblick auf die EuErbVO), ZfRvgl 2016.75-79 (Vienna); The Intertwining of Arbitration and Review of the Substance Pursuant to Art. 897.8 and 544 of the Civil Procedure Code, (in Greek), Epitheorissi Politikis Dikonomias 2016.481-490; The Impartiality of the Arbitrator (in Greek), Epitheorissi Politikis Dikonomias 2017.510-524; A Narrow Interpretation of Public Policy Regarding the Setting Aside of a Domestic Arbitral Award, Romanian Review of Arbitration 2018/vol. 2, p. 36-39;