Doug S. Jones

Level 15
No. 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Atkin Chambers
1 Atkin Building
Gray's Inn, London, WC1R 5AT
United Kingdom
Arbitration Place
Bay Adelaide Centre
900-333 Bay Street
Toronto, M5H 2T4
Doug Jones AO is a leading independent international commercial and investor-state arbitrator with over 40 years' prior experience as an international transactional and disputes project lawyer. Doug is an arbitrator member at Arbitration Place in Toronto, a door tenant at Atkin Chambers London and has an office in Sydney. Doug is also an International Judge of the Singapore International Commercial Court.
He has been involved in over 120 arbitrations which include construction, infrastructure, energy, commodities, intellectual property, joint venture, and investor-state disputes spanning over 30 jurisdictions around the world. He has extensive experience as arbitrator under the ICC, LCIA, AAA, ICDR, KCAB, AIAC (formerly KLRCA), SIAC, SCC, DIAC, ACICA, IAMA, AMINZ, European Development Fund Arbitration and Conciliation Rules, as well as the ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules, in disputes of values exceeding some billions $US.
Doug has published and presented extensively and holds professorial appointments at Queen Mary College, University of London and Melbourne University Law School. In addition, Doug has held appointments at several international professional associations. Doug has held appointments at professional associations, including serving as the President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA). In 2018, Doug chaired the International Council of Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Congress held in Sydney.
He was awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2012 in the Queen's Birthday Honours List for his distinguished service to the law and leadership in arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, policy reform, and national and international professional organisations. In 2018, Doug was awarded the John Shaw Medal in recognition of his lasting contribution to the road transport industry in Australia and internationally.
Partner, Clayton Utz (1993-2014); Professorial Fellow, Melbourne University (2001-); Head of National Construction and Major Projects Groups, Clayton Utz (1993-2014); Head of the International Arbitration group, Clayton Utz, Sydney (1995-2014); Adjunct Professor of Law, Murdoch University (2006-2012); Elected Board Member, Clayton Utz (2002-2006); Visiting Professor, Queen Mary, University of London (2014-)
Chartered Arbitrator, Fellow, Past President and Companion, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb);
Fellow and Immediate Past President, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA);
Member Arbitration Panel, Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG);
Foundation Fellow and Graded Arbitrator, Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia (IAMA);
Fellow, Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ);
Immediate Past President, Region 3, Dispute Resolution Board Foundation;
Committee Member of the Executive, Dispute Resolution Board Foundation;
Member, CIDC International Advisory Group, India Construction Industry Committee;
Member, Construction and Infrastructure Group, Law Council of Australia;
Honorary Fellow, Canadian College of Construction Lawyers;
Honorary Fellow, American College of Construction Lawyers;
Member, Council of Distinguished Advisors, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine School of Law, California;
Member, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR;
Member, IBA Working Group on Harmonising Arbitration Laws in the Asia Pacific Region;
Associate, American Bar Association;
President, International Academy of Construction Lawyers;
Inaugural Member, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Board of Advisors;
Inaugural Member, Seoul IDRC International Advisory Board;
President, International Academy of Construction Lawyers;
Honorary Fellow, Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution;
Fellow, Australian Academy of Law;
Member, International Bar Association;
Member, International Arbitration Club (London);
Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration;
Member, Advisory Committee, Melbourne Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Centre.
Australian Government nominee to the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators; Member, LCIA Court; Member Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board; Arbitrator Member, SIAC, HKIAC, BCIAC, CIETAC, Energy Arbitrators' List; Arbitrator Member, Society of Construction Arbitrators (London); Arbitrator Member, Arbitration Panel appointed by New South Wales Government under the Mining Act and Petroleum (Offshore) Act.
Over 30 years of experience as Arbitrator (sole, party-appointed and chair) and Counsel in numerous international arbitrations. Experience of commercial and investment arbitrations both ad hoc and institutional under the AAA, ACICA, DIAC, HKIAC, ICC, ICSID, KLRCA, LCIA, SIAC, UNCITRAL and other International Rules. Regularly sits as arbitrator in London, in addition to many other jurisdictions, such as Singapore and Dubai. Also experience as Counsel and Mediator in infrastructure disputes within Australia and overseas.
Commercial Arbitration in Australia (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2nd ed 2013); Building and Construction Claims and Disputes (Construction Publications, Sydney, 1996); Co-Editor in Chief, International Construction Law Review; numerous articles on international arbitration and construction law.