Doo-Sik Kim

8th Floor, State Tower Namsan,
100 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu,
Seoul 100-052, Korea
Adjunct Professor, Seoul National University Law School; Adjunct Professor, Dongkuk University, Graduate School for International Information; Commissioner, Customs Deliberation Committee, Korean Customs Service; Legal Counsel, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy; Foreign Legal Consultant, Coudert Brothers, Brussels, Belgium; Foreign Legal Consultant, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, Palo Alto, U.S.A.
Vice President, Korea Arbitrators Association.
Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB)
Over 25 international arbitrations as counsel, and 20 arbitrations as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman. This includes ICC, SIAC, HKIAC, UNCITRAL and KCAB arbitrations as well as ICSID arbitrations on investor-state disputes.
Co-author, “An Overview of Recognition and Enforcement in Korea: Recent Arbitration Act Amendments and Case Highlights,” Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 72/No. 1 (2017). JurisNet, LLC, New York; Co-author (Korea chapter), “International Execution against Foreign Judgment Debtors,” Sweet & Maxwell, London (1993), Oceana Publications, Inc., New York; “Study on Improvement of Mergers & Acquisitions Rules,” Korea’s Listed Corporations Association, Seoul, Korea (2004); Co-author, “Joint Ventures in East Asia - Legal Issues,” Graham & Trotman and International Bar Association, London (1992); “Certain Legal Issues on Export Subsidies and Restructuring Subsidies – as arisen from Korea-EC Shipbuilding Disputes at WTO,” International Business Law Society, Seoul, Korea (2005); “WTO and MERCOSUR, with Certain Legal Issues regarding Brazil’s Automobile-related TRIMs,” Trade Law, Korean Ministry of Justice, Vol. 9 (1996); “Injurious Pricing Charges under the OECD Shipbuilding Agreement,” Trade Law Journal, Korean Ministry of Justice, Vol. 2&3, Seoul, Korea (1995).