Claus von Wobeser
Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C.
Campos Eliseos 169
4th Floor
11580 Mexico, D.F.
Partner, Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. (1986- ); Professor of Commercial Law, Univ. Iberoamericana (1987- )
Mexican Bar Assoc. (Member of the Board of Directors); ICC (Chairman, Arbitration Commission of Mexican Chapter)
ICC, Mexican national committee; Member, ICC Court of Arbitration (1982-1988)
Counsel, several ICC cases (1982- ); Arbitrator, Leeward Terminal Tugseervices CV v. Refineria Isla (Curacao), S.A. (ICC case no. 6490/JJS, 1991-1993); Anton Steinecker Machinenfabrick GmbH v. Los Angeles Brewing Company Inc. (ICC case no. 7029/ES, 1991)
Author of several articles on foreign investment exchange controls, taxation, technology transfer, in English, Spanish, German and French.