Arnoldo Wald

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3729
7th floor, Itaim Bibi
São Paulo 04538-133
Lawyer, arbitrator and legal expert; Professor, Univeridade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Associated Professor Université Paris II; ex-Attorney General, State of Rio de Janeiro (formerly State of Guanabara); ex-President, Securities and Exchange Commission-CVM (Brazil); ex-Member, National Monetary Council; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Author of various proposed laws currently in force, such as Liability in the Capital Markets Act, the Brazilian Bar Act, and the Writ of Mandamus Act.
ex-Member, Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar; ex-President, International Academy of Law and Economics; Vice-President, Brazilian Committee of the ICC; Member, Latin American Group of the ICC Arbitration Commission; Member of the Advisory Board, Revista de la Corte
Española de Arbitraje; Member of the Scientific Committee, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé.
Member of the panel of arbitrators of CCBC, CAMARB, CMA, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce/Brazil and Eurocâmaras.
30-year experience as an arbitrator, counsel and legal expert in domestic and international arbitrations, in cases administered by the ICC, the AAA/ICDR, UNCITRAL, CCBC, CMA, CBMA, CAMARB, FGV, CAM, BMF/Bovespa and ad hoc. As counsel, Professor Wald has acted in cases involving the constitutionality of the Arbitration Law; the validity and enforcement of arbitration agreements; the constitutionality of arbitration involving State entities and mixed-capital companies; the lack of jurisdiction of Brazilian judges to annul decisions rendered in arbitrations seated abroad; the validity of partial awards; the arbitrability of disputes involving an insolvent party; the recognition of a foreign arbitral award annulled by national courts of the country of origin.
Curso de Direito Civil Brasileiro, 20th edition; O Direito da Parceria e a Nova Lei de Concessões; Do Mandado de Segurança na Prática Judiciária; O Novo Direito Monetário; A Correção Monetária; A Cláusula de
Escala Móvel; Co-author of Arbitragem Comercial Internacional: A Convenção de Nova Iorque e o Direito Brasileiro; Author of several articles in French, English and Spanish on arbitration, banking law and capital markets; Editor-inchief of “Revista de Direito Bancário” (1998-2011) and “Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação” (2004-2012).