Alexander N. Katzarsky

Georgiev, Todorov & Co Law Offices
27 P. Parchevich Street
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Expert in various work and consultancy groups with the Ministry of Justice on the Bulgarian Commercial Act and the Commercial Register Act; Member of the Consultative Council on Legislation at the Chairman of the XXXIX and XL National Assembly
Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – London
Arbitrator and Conciliator pursuant to the Washington Convention on the Settlement of International disputes between States and nationals of Other States appointed by the Government of Republic of Bulgaria
Counsel, sole-arbitrator and co-arbitrator in arbitration cases before ICA ICC (approximately 10 cases); chairman, co-arbitrator and sole arbitrator in the Arbitration Court with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry( over 400 cases including 60 international); Counsel, chairman, sole-arbitrator and co-arbitrator in ad hoc proceedings including pursuant to UNCITRAL Rules; legal advice in cases for setting aside arbitration awards and for enforcement of foreign arbitration awards
“Новите положения в търговското право”, С, 2000,
Герджиков, О, „Коментар на Търговския закон”, книга І „Чл. 1- 112”, С,
2007 г., Кацарски, А и Тушева, Г, „Закон за търговския регистър.
Тематичен коментар”, С, 200, Кацарски, А и Тушева, Г, „Закон за
търговския регистър. Тематичен коментар”, С, 2009; „Юридически
характеристики на реалните обезпечения”, Юбилеен сборник в памет на
професор Петко Венедиков,С, 2008, „Удостоверение за законосъобразност
в българското търговско право”, Сборник в памет на проф. д-р Живко
Сталев”,С, 2009