Alessandro Bruni

Via Spinoza, 49
Rome 00137
Professor of ADR, Mediation and Conciliation and Strategic Management of the H.R., The International Academy of Sciences of Peace, Rome; Mediators' Trainer, accredited by the Italian Ministry of Justice for: University of Viterbo, CONCILIA LLC., Chambers of Commerce (various), ADR Accountants, National Council of Labour Consultant, Maggioli Press; Assistant-Professor of ADR, Mediation and Conciliation, PISA University (CISP) (2000-2004).
Accredited National and International Arbitrator and Mediator.
Senior Lawyer, Bruni Law Firm (2004-to date); Lecturer in ADR/ODR, ERA Academy, Trier (2014-15); Lecturer in Mediation techniques, EU Funded Programme named European Mediation Training for Practitioner of Justice - EMTPJ, Brussels (2012-2014).
MCIArb; Founding Member and former Member of the Executive Committee, GEMME, Italian Section; Advisory Board Member, AMATI;; Member, MHJMC; Member, AIAC; Member, VIAC; Member, LAC; Member, TAS-CAS; Member, IIAM; Member, LCIA-YIAG, Member, ASA-below 40; Member, ICDR-Y&I; Member, ICCA-Young; Member, YAF- ICC; Member, ARBAut-YAAP; Member, IMI Taskforce for Development of Competency Criteria for Trainers and Assessors of Mediators and Standards for Training Programmes; Member, Mediation Forum Ireland; Member, AIA; Founding member and member of the Scientific Committee, CIMJ; Member, FIMC; Member, Curia Mercatorum; Member, Arbitral Chamber of the Italian Authority for Agricultural Supplies; Member of the Directive Counsel, SIMED; Member-Coordinator of the ADR Committee of Avocats Sans Frontières, Italian Chapter; former Vice-President of the Arbitral Chamber of the Chamber of Commerce of Viterbo; Member, Rotary International, District 2080; Mediation Committee Chairman, RAGFP.
Member, VIAC Panel of Arbitrators; Member, Arbitral Chamber of the Italian Authority for Agricultural Supplies Panel of Arbitrators; Member, ARBAut-YAAP; Member, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center's list of arbitrators; Member, LAC Panel of Arbitrators; Member, AIAC; Member, ASA Below-40; Member, ICCA-young; Member, CONCILIA list of Arbitrators.
Over 40 arbitrations as counsel, party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman. This includes CONCILIA LLP, CONCILIA LLC., Chambers of Commerce (various). Expert lawyer in arbitration with domestic arbitration bodies and courts.
Mediation 2018, Mediation 2017, Mediation 2015, Mediation 2013, co-author, all published by Renate Dendorfer-Ditges Editor; The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas, co-author, Hamburg 2014, Frank Diedrich; Mediazione civile e commerciale: 30 casi di successo, Maggioli Press, July 2011; La Mediazione Conviene, Maggioli Press, June 2011; European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (With Dvd), co-author, Maklu, 2011; Panorama des médiations du monde, co-author, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010; Overview of judicial mediation in the world: mediation, the universal language of conflict resolution, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010; Codice della Conciliazione in Italia e all'Estero, Maggioli Press, July 2008; Conciliare conviene, Maggioli Press, March 2007; Temi di Mediazione Penale, co-author, June 2006, Pisa University Press; Mediazione e Conciliazione ambiti applicativi e modalità operative di una nuova professione, co-author, October, 2004, PLUS; Diritto Internazionale Privato, Maggioli Press, May 2005; Diritto Comunitario, Maggioli Press, June 2005.