Erlend Haaskjold

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS
Ruseløkkveien 14, Postboks 2444 Solli
0201 Oslo
Judicial Clerkship (1997-1998); Office of the Attorney-General (1999-2009); Advokatfirmaet Thommessen (2009-2012); Advokatfirmaet Arntzen de Besche (Partner, Head of International Arbitration Practice) (2012-2021); Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS (2021-present).
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration (London), Chartered Arbitrator; Member of the International Bar Association; Member of the International Law Association; Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association
Presidential Panel of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR); WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center’s List of Arbitrators; ADGM Arbitration Centre (Abu Dhabi), Panel of Arbitrators; Arbitration and Mediation Court of the Caribbean (AMCC), Panel of International Arbitrators; Asia International Arbitration Centre (Kuala Lumpur); Arbitration Court at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, List of Arbitrators; Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) International Arbitration Centre; Court of Arbitration for Art, Pool of Arbitrators; Court of International Commercial Arbitration; Dubai International Arbitration Centre; Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre; Georgian International Arbitration Centre; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Panel of Arbitrators; Indian Council of Arbitration, Panel of Arbitrators; Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, KCAB International, Panel of International Arbitrators; Pacific International Arbitration Centre, List of Arbitrators; Vienna International Arbitral Centre; Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration.
Mr. Haaskjold has extensive experience as an arbitrator in international commercial disputes, both institutional and ad hoc, with appointments as party-nominated arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman. Having served as arbitrator since 2008, his experience spans a number of industry sectors, such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, commodities, shipping, insurance, real estate, construction, engineering, infrastructure and telecommunications. His dual qualification both as a common law barrister and as a civil law advocate provides him with particular insight in the different legal systems and the various challenges that may arise in international disputes. He is frequently called as an expert witness on Norwegian and Scandinavian law (contract law, company law, and private international law) in other jurisdictions.
Obligasjonsrett – en innføring (An Introduction to the Norwegian Law of Obligations), Scandinavian University Press, Oslo 2017 (300 pages); Kontraktsforpliktelser (Contractual Obligations), 2nd ed. Oslo 2013 (735 pages); Gavers stilling i konkurs (Gifts and Insolvency), [2014] Norwegian University Law Review (62 pages).