Scott D. Vesel

Three Crowns LLP
New Fetter Place
8-10 New Fetter Lane
London, EC4A 1AZ
United Kingdom
Senior Associate, Shearman & Sterling (2011-2014); Attorney-Adviser, U.S. Department of State (2009-2011); Project Officer, OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (2008-2009); Associate, Shearman & Sterling (2006-2008); Deputy Director, Security and Good Governance Program, EastWest Institute (1999-2002).
Member of ASIL, BIICL, LCIA European Users, Human Rights Lawyers Association.
Counsel in dozens of international arbitrations under ICC, LCIA, ICSID, UNCITRAL, and SCC rules and involving a multitude of applicable laws and all parts of the world. Particular focuses have been energy, oil & gas, mining, construction, and investment treaties.
“A Case Review Conference, or Arbitration in Two Acts,” 81 Arbitration 167 (2015) (co-authored with Constantine Partasides); “The Revised UNCITRAL Notes and Case Management Conference(s): What to Address (and When),” Slovenian Arb. Rev. (Summer 2015); “A ‘creeping’ violation of the fair and equitable treatment standard?” 30 Arb. Int’l 553 (2014) (winner of the 2012 LCIA Gillis Wetter Prize); “Combating the financing of terrorism while protecting human rights: a dilemma?”, in Mark Pieth, Daniel Thelesklaf and Radha Ivory (eds.), Countering Terrorist Financing: The Practitioner’s Point of View (2009) “Clearing a Path through a Tangled Jurisprudence: Most-Favored-Nation Clauses and Dispute Settlement Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties,” 32 Yale J. Int’l L. 125 (2007).