Ricardo Urdaneta

Urdaneta Holguín
Calle 67 # 4 A - 71
Bogotá, Colombia, 110 231
Attorney at Urdaneta Holguín Abogados 2007-Present day; Lead Attorney, Andean Area, at Micorsoft Corporation 2005-2007; Partner at Urdaneta, Vélez, Pearl & Abdallah 2000-2005; Partner at Ricardo Urdaneta Holguín Abogado 1996-2000.
“A” List and International Arbitration List of the Center for Conciliation and Arbitration of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, and International Arbitration List of the Center for Conciliation and Arbitration of the Medellín Chamber of Commerce.
Party appointed arbitrator: Soceagro v. Agricultura Industrial, 2005; Antonio López Haz v. Aseo Total S.A. E.S.P., 2009; Logiscoop v. Icollantas, 2009; Applus Norcontrol Colombia Ltda. v. Applus NO y Construcciones Marfil S.A., 2009; Distribuidora Servinorte Ltda. v. Integra Security Systems S.A., 2010; HSBC Fiduciaria v. Preesman Colombia S.A.S., 2010; The Best Mattress S.A.S. v. Serta Colombia S.A., 2011; Delsa Moreno v. Mata Haris Murillo, 2013; Nutrifarma S.A. et al. v. Laura Cortés, 2015; Ecoinsa Ingeniería S.A.S. v. Visión Valores S.A.S., Ongoing. Sole arbitrator: Edwin Alexis Contreras v. Proindul, 2007; Juan Carlos Tovar v. Luis Henry Varón, 2008; Dieseléctricos Ltda. v. Castellanos Duque S.A., 2008; Fanny Moreno Rojas v. G.C. Reingeniería E.U., 2009; Seiton Consulting S.A.S. v. Softmanagement S.A., 2011. Chairman: Luis Marino Cañas Giraldo v. Fundación Renal de Colombia, 2007; José Fernando Orozco v. Colsánitas S.A., 2008; Torres Velasco & Cia. S. en C. v. Alejandro Rada Cassab, 2011; Manrique y Manrique S.C.A. v. Alessandro Corridori e Invertáctivas S.A.S., 2013; Asenpetrol Ltda. v. Isolux Ingeniería S.A. Sucursal Colombia, 2014; El Dorado Energy S.A.S. v. Valle Energy Inc., No. 4318, 2016; El Dorado Energy S.A.S. v. Valle Energy Inc., No. 4319, 2016; Municipio de La Calera v. Corporación IPS Saludcoop Cundinamarca, 2016; SAR1 S.A.S., SAR2 S.A.S., SAR3 S.A.S. y SAR 4 S.A.S. (Colombia) v. Pestana Inversiones S.L. (España), 2017. Counsel: ICC case 11160, 2002; AAA case 50 133 T 00433 07, 2009; ICC case 18969, 2015.