Adedoyin O. Rhodes-Vivour

Doyin Rhodes-Vivour & Co
9, Simeon Akinlonu Crescent
Oniru Private Estate
Victoria Island Extension
Lagos, Nigeria
Adedoyin is a practicing lawyer with nearly forty years post qualification experience and elevated to the prestigious rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria a mark of excellence to legal Practitioners. She acts as counsel in arbitration proceedings and has also acted as sole arbitrator, member of a panel and presiding arbitrator in various international and domestic disputes. She is listed on the Panel/database of various international arbitration Institutions and is recognized in various publications including Who’s Who and Guide to the World’s Leading Commercial Arbitration Experts [Expert Guides] as a pre-eminent leading professional in the field of Arbitration. She is listed in expert Guides Women in Business Law; the Africa’s 30 Arbitration Powerlist 2020; Arbitrators of African Descent with a U.S Nexus 2020; and Women Pioneers in Dispute Resolution, a publication of The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationae Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development [BMZ] with the cooperation of Arbitral Women.
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators England; Member World Bank Group Sanctions Board; Founder Member and Board Member of the African Arbitration Association (AfAA); Member International Chamber of Commerce Paris, International Court of Arbitration; Member ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR; Member of the Court of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, The Netherlands (2010 – 2016); Member of the International Law Association (Pioneer Chair, Committee on International Commercial Arbitration of the Nigerian Branch); A Vice-president of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA African Users’ Council; Member of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Users’ Council, Member of the Advisory Board of African Arbitration Academy; Immediate Past Chairperson [2016-2019] and Member of the Executive Council Chartered Institute of Arbitrators [UK] Nigeria Branch; Chairman, NBA Lagos Branch Ethics and Disciplinary Committee; Ex-officio member of the Executive Council of Nigerian Maritime Law Association; Member of the Editorial Board of the Commercial Law and Taxation Committee of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Member of the Council of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Member of the Equal Representation in Arbitration (ERA) Pledge International Steering Committee and Co-Chair of the African Sub-committee; Member International Bar Association (Officer of the Mediation Committee of the International Bar Association) (2014-2015); Founding Member & Pioneer President Maritime Arbitrators Association of Nigeria; Member Nigerian Bar Association (Pioneer Chairperson of the Section on Business Law Committee on Arbitration and ADR [2005-2010]); Member Association of International Arbitration Brussels; Member Arbitral Women; Member, the Technical Committee on Review of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act CAP A18 LFN 2004; Member of the National Assembly Business Environment Roundtable (NASSBER) Working Group on the reform of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1988.
Holds Panel Certificate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom, Database of London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR)-The International Division of the American Arbitration Association, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC), Asian International Arbitration Centre Kuala Lumpur and Lagos Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, Lagos Multi-door Court House and Abuja Multi-door Courthouse.
Has significant experience as Presiding arbitrator, Sole-arbitrator or Co-arbitrator and as Counsel in arbitration proceedings domestically and internationally mainly under UNCTRAL, ICC Rules, LCIA Rules, Kigali International Arbitration Centre Rules and in Adhoc arbitration.
Doyin Rhodes-Vivour is the author of COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION LAW AND PRACTICE IN NIGERIA THROUGH THE CASES published by LexisNexis in 2016. She regularly facilitates at seminars and conferences. She has been interviewed various times including by Kluwer Arbitration Blog: Interviews with our Editor; Insights from Adedoyin Rhodes-Vivour SAN. Publications. She regularly delivers papers at conferences and publishes which include the following:-
“International Arbitration and Appearance Rights of Lawyers: A Review of Article IV of the 1st Schedule to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act Cap A18 Laws of the Federation 2004” published in “International Arbitration Law and Practice: The Practitioner’s Perspective by Tolu Aderemi, August 2020; “Conflict Resolution in the Time of Covid-19 – Voices from the Seven Continents of the World” published on website [Available at] August 2020; “The Amicus Curiae and Arbitration” published in Law Digest (Winter 2019 edition), Issue 19, pg. 38, January 2020; “Damages in International Arbitration” published in “A life of Law & Business; Essays in Honor of Chief (Dr.) Chris Ogunbanjo OFR, CON” p. 346, December 2018; “Immunity of Arbitrators” published in the International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management Volume 83 Issue 4 November 2017; “Recognition and Enforcement of an International Arbitral Award Under Sections 51 and 52 of the Nigerian Arbitration and Conciliation Act” published in the 2016 Edition of Commercial Arbitration Expert Guides, p. 74 – 75; “The Federal Arbitration Act and the Lagos State Arbitration Law: A Comparison” published in the Nigerian Business Law and Practice Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2012, p. 53 – 81; “Recent Arbitration Related Developments in Nigeria” (Arbitration, UK, 2010); “Maritime Jurisdiction in Nigeria: Lignes Aeriennes Congolese vs. Air Atlantic Nigeria Ltd” published in the Journal of Maritime and Transport Law of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division (May 2007) Vol. 14 No. 1; Security for the Respondent’s Costs of Arbitral Proceedings with particular reference to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act Cap 19, 1990 Laws of Nigeria (ACA) – Published in the News Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Nigerian Branch Vol. 2 No. 1, January 2005; and “Sovereign Immunity and Arbitral Proceedings” published in the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Nigerian Branch Vol.1 No 4, August 2003
“Dealing with Investment Treaty Challenges” – Panelist at the Inaugural Africa Arbitration Day organized by The British Institute of International and Comparative Law and in Cooperation with the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London and Babcock University and held virtually 3rd – 4th September 2020. [Webinar]; Session Moderator on the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Annual Conference Session on ‘Free Trade Regimes and Investor State Disputes : The Intersection between ICSID and AFCTA held virtually on 26 Nov 2020,Member of a discussion Panel on “The Proposed Federal High Court (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Rules – The Maritime Perspective” at the Nigerian Maritime Law Association 2018 Annual General Meeting 1st December 2018; “Promoting Gender Diversity in Arbitration in Africa” – Keynote Address delivered at ArbitralWomen/Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Kenya Branch “Women in Arbitration Conference” 23rd March 2018; “African states and government: To Use or Not To Use ADR?” - Delivered at ICAMA 2017 Biannual African Roundtable on Arbitration 23rd -24th October 2017; “Immunity of an Arbitrator”– Delivered at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators International Arbitration Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa 19-20 July 2017; “Barriers to Entry; Dealing with Diversity” - Delivered at the 2nd ICC Africa Regional Arbitration Conference May 2017; “Growth and Development of Arbitration In Africa: Challenges & Opportunities” – Delivered at NBA Young Lawyers Forum/LCA Young Arbitrators Network Seminar, 21 April 2017; SOAS University of London/Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration - SOAS/CRCICA Arbitration in Africa Conference 2017 on “The Role of African States & Governments in the Development of Arbitration in Africa” (3rd -4th April 2017); “Promoting Africa and African Cities as Arbitral Venues” – Delivered at ICAMA African Arbitration Round-table, Abuja 26 - 27th May 2014; “Settlement Through Mediation of Employment Disputes” – Delivered at the International Bar Association Conference Boston October 2013; “The Agreement To Arbitrate – A Primary Tool for the Resolution of Maritime Disputes” – Delivered at the Practical Maritime Arbitration Conference organized by the Emirates International Law Centre and held in Dubai April 5th – 7th, 2008; “Maritime Arbitration in Lagos” - Delivered at the International Bar Association Conference “Arbitration in Maritime and Transport Disputes” held in Hamburg Germany on the 26th – 28th day of April 2007.; “Mechanisms for Resolution of Consumer Disputes in the Telecommunication Sector” -Delivered at the Nigerian Communication Commission Workshop for Judges on Legal issues in Telecommunications 2007.; “Mediation (A Face Saving Device) – The Nigerian Perspective” – Delivered at the International Bar Association Conference Singapore 2007.; “Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution as Instruments for Economic Reform” – Delivered at the Nigerian Bar Association (Section on Business Law) Maiden Conference held in Abuja on 27th -29th March 2006.; “The Economic Community of West African States and its Court of Justice” – Delivered at a Colloquium organised by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in conjunction with King’s College London, University of London.; “The Agreement to Arbitrate” - Delivered as a faculty member of the Centre for Law and Development Studies Lagos at a seminar held on International Commercial Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques.; “Arbitration or Litigation - Which way forward?” Initially presented in support of application for membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (England).; “Negotiating and Drafting of International Hotel Chain Management Agreements”– Delivered as a faculty member of the Centre for Law and Development Studies Lagos at a seminar held on Foreign Investment Negotiation.; “Commentary on Lagos as a Centre for International Commercial Arbitration” – An Arbitration Workshop for Nigeria’s International Trade organised by the Nigerian Shippers Council and Cargo Defence Fund; and “Sovereign Immunity and Arbitral Proceedings” Delivered at a General Meeting of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, England, Nigerian Branch.