Chapter 03 - Challenges to Arbitrators: Should the Challenge Process Be Overhauled - Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 8
Originally from Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 8
Authors: Mr. Charles Rosenberg
Mr. Fernando Tupa
Moderator: Mr. Matthew Slater
Commentators: Ms. Julie Bédard
Professor George K. Foster
Ms. Kate Brown de Vejar
Professor Alexander Bĕlohlávek
Ms. Amal Bouchenaki
DR. WEILER: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the Eighth Annual Juris Conference. Thanks very much for coming out this morning. You’ve got the choicest seats because everybody else is going to be dribbling on in, but we wanted to get going because we have a fairly tight schedule, especially since our lunch is going to be on the second floor. Just to let you know, when we have our lunch on the second floor, there are elevators directly outside, and we will be taking those elevators right up to the second floor, and the lunch will be held in the New Jersey and New Hampshire rooms.
I’m also supposed to let everybody knows that you have to speak directly into the microphone so that David, our transcriber for the eighth year, can hear you.
Other points: If you haven’t already been asked, as you came into the room, make sure that you get your CLE credit form taken care of. You can get that outside in the front area.
And we have one sponsor it’s very important to thank because we have one Platinum Sponsor and one Platinum Sponsor only, and they are the only sponsor we could ever want or need, and that is the Czech Yearbook of International Law. Thank you again, Alexander, for being our Platinum Sponsor.
As you know, we keep a format which we think does the best to bring up new talent in our field, and also entertain the audience with very intricate and thoughtful topics, and I think we again have really good topics primarily because Borzu and Freddie came up with them, and we’re very thankful for the younger people in our editorial staff being able to pull the weight for us older people. So, without further ado, I will get right on to our first panel and have the topic introduced and our people introduced. Thank you.