CHAPTER 5 - Brazil - Interim Measures in International Arbitration
Eduardo Damião Gonçalves
Flávio Spaccaquerche Barbosa
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May, 2014
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Originally from: Interim Measures in International Arbitration
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Under Brazilian Law, interim measures1 in arbitration are governed
principally by two federal laws, which are applicable within Brazil.
First, general provisions governing provisional measures in civil
procedure are set forth in the 1973 Code of Civil Procedure (Federal Law
5,869/73—the “Code of Civil Procedure”). Therefore, regardless of other
laws that provide specific rules for injunctions or provisional measures,2
Brazilian courts must apply the Code of Civil Procedure to such
measures prior to or during a civil lawsuit.
Second, arbitration is regulated by the 1996 Brazilian Arbitration
Act (Federal Law 9,307/96—the “Brazilian Arbitration Act”), which has
mandatory application to any arbitration seated in Brazil. Considered by
its drafters as being inspired by the UNCITRAL Model Law, the
Brazilian Arbitration Act is not a direct copy of the Model Law, but does
embody its most important principles such as competence-competence
and separability of the arbitration agreement.
Since the enactment of the Brazilian Arbitration Act in 1996 and the
2001 Federal Supreme Court decision recognizing its constitutionality,
arbitration has experienced rapid development as a dispute settlement
mechanism in Brazil. Over the past fifteen years, Brazil has gone from
being considered a “black sheep” for arbitration to a truly arbitrationfriendly
jurisdiction with many international arbitrations now occurring
in Brazil.
Due to this rapid growth, many practical issues regarding the use of
arbitration have arisen and have begun to be debated in the courts. The
use and application of provisional measures in relation to arbitration
proceedings is certainly one of them. After an initial misapplication of