Sébastien Bonnard

Brown Rudnick LLP
1, rue François 1er75008 Paris
Gide Loyrette Nouel, International Arbitration practice (2000-2011); Lecturer, Contract Law, Univ. Paris-Dauphine (2001-2005); Partner, Lacourte Raquin Tatar, in charge of the International Arbitration practice (2011-2013); Lecturer, Master 2 in International Business Law, Univ. Paris XI (2008-).
Member, International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA); Member, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA40); Member, Collège Européen de Résolution des Conflits (CERC); International Arbitration Institute (IAI).
Member, ICC France Committee Panel of Arbitrators.
Over 35 international arbitrations as counsel, party-appointed arbitrator or sole arbitrator (e.g. ICC, AFA, UNCITRAL, ICSID, LMAA). This includes the following recent engagements:
•President of the arbitral tribunal in a dispute between an Italian company and an Algerian company relating to the performance of a project management contract (ICC arbitration, French)
•Sole arbitrator in a dispute between two French companies relating to the performance of a sales agreement in the aeronautics sector (ICC arbitration, French)
•Sole arbitrator in a dispute between an African State and multiple companies relating to the termination of a long-term agreement (ICC arbitration, French)
•Co-arbitrator in a post-M&A dispute relating to a fund's investment in a company in Senegal (ad hoc arbitration).
•Sole arbitrator in a dispute between a company from the United Arab Emirates and a US company on a sales contract (ICC arbitration, English) .
•Co-arbitrator in a dispute relating to a partnership between construction companies in the Republic of Congo (OHADA arbitration - CCJA, French).
* Counsel to a joint venture against some of its shareholders and directors in relation to the violation of long term commitments and fiduciary duties (ICC arbitration, French).
* Counsel to a pipeline operator in relation to the termination of long-term agreements (three ICC arbitrations, French).
* Counsel to a world leader in industrial and military vehicles sector in several arbitrations relating to consultant contracts and representation in North Africa and the Middle East (ICC arbitrations French).
* Counsel to a listed Australian company in an arbitration concerning the misappropriation of its shares in a mining company in North Africa (ICC arbitration, English).
• Counsel to an investor in multiple disputes relating to a telecom project in Africa (ICC arbitration and mediations, English).
• Sole Arbitrator in a dispute between an EAU Company and a US Company relating to a purchase agreement (ICC arbitration, English).
• Counsel to a government in a dispute relating to the termination of BOT contracts (ICC arbitration, French).
• Counsel to middle-eastern investors in a dispute relating to a partnership with a public company in the construction and maritime transport sector (ICC arbitration, French/English).
• Co-arbitrator in a dispute relating to the construction of port facilities in Africa (Ad hoc arbitration, French).
• Counsel to a government in a dispute relating to a motorway construction contract (ICC arbitration, French).
• Counsel to a major industrial company in disputes relating to distribution contracts in North Africa (two ICC arbitration cases, French).
• Counsel to a government in a dispute relating to a mine exploration and operating contract (ICC arbitration, French).
• Counsel to a US contractor in a dispute relating to an EPC contract to build a gas processing plant in Africa (ICC arbitration, French/English).
Author, “Les lois de police dans l'arbitrage international - Exemples de sentences récentes” / “Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration - The Example of Recent Awards”, 2015(5) RDAI / Int'l Bus. L.J. 453 (with S. Touchard)
French Chapter of the PLC Cross-border Constructions and Projects Handbook (Ed. 2011/2012, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014); Articles on international arbitration, including recently, S. Bonnard, Extension of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories in Subcontracting Relationship: Mere Involvement or Interference?, The Paris Journal of International Arbitration (Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage) 2013, pp.63 et seq.