Andreas R. Ziegler

Blum & Grob Attorneys-at-law
Neumühlequai 6
PO Box 3954
Zürich 8021
Assistant Professor, Univ. of St. Gallen (1992-1998); Head of the Service for International and European Economic Law, State Secretariat of Economic Affairs, Berne, Switzerland (1998-2001); National Expert, European Commission, Brussels (2001); Senior Counselor, Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Geneva (2001-2003)
International Law Association: President of the Swiss Branch and Member of the Executive Council, Member of the International Trade Law Committee and the Study Group on Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law; APSUN: Member of the Executive Council; ASIL: Member; ESIL: Member; Swiss Lawyers Association: Member; Swiss Society of International Law: Member; German Society of International Law: Member; Swiss Society of European Law: Member; ECSOL: Member;
WTO Roster of Panelists; ICSID Panel of Conciliators
Counsel in investor-State arbitration relating to the area of construction services (UNCITRAL)
- International Economic Law (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 3rd edn. 2011)
- Introduction au droit international public (Editions Stämpfli, Berne, 2e édition, 2011)
- Droit international économique de la Suisse – Une introduction (y inclus le droit des relations économiques extérieures) (International Economic Law of of Switzerland), (Stämpfli, Berne, 2010)
- Trade and Environmental Law in the European Community (OUP, Oxford, 1996)