John M. Townsend

Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
1775 I St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006-2401
Partner, Litigation Department, Hughes Hubbard & Reed (1980- ); Associate, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Paris office (1973-1974), New York office (1971-1973, 1975-1980)
AAA (Chairman of the Board of Directors 2007-2010), US Council for Int’l Business (Trustee 2000-2012, Arbitration Committee); CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution (Arbitration Committee); ALI (Advisor to Restatement of US Law of International Arbitration); IBA Mediation Committee (Chairman 2005-2006); LCIA (Vice President of the Court 2014-19).
ICSID Panel of Arbitrators (2008-2016); AAA, International and Commercial Panels; Vienna Centre; Japan Commercial Arbitration Assoc.; Singapore International Arbitration Centre; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
Counsel for Canada in United States of America v. Canada (arbitration under LCIA Rules); Counsel, multiple BIT arbitrations under ICSID, UNCITRAL, and Stockholm Rules; Counsel, various ICC cases in Lugano-Paris, Paris-Amsterdam, New York (1973-present); Counsel, various AAA cases in New York, Washington and Seattle (1977-Present); Counsel, ad hoc case, re: petroleum products contract (1984-1985); Chairman and Arbitrator, multiple AAA, ICDR, ICC, LCIA, HKIAC, PCA, SIAC, SCC and ad hoc cases; arbitrator in 12 ICSID cases. Mediator for CPR in technology dispute; for AAA in other cases.
- "Advocacy Against an Absent Adversary," (with James H. Boykin), The Global Arbitration Review: The Guide to Advocacy, Fourth Edition, edited by Stephen Jagusch QC, Philippe Pinsolle, Alexander G Leventhal, 2019
- "The Empty Chair. Arbitration with a Non-participating Party," Forward! Essays in Honour of Prof Dr Kaj Hobér, edited by Eric Bylander, Anna Jonsson Cornell, Jakob Ragnwaldh, 2019
- “Place of the Arbitration, Jurisdiction and Applicable Law: Support for Bahrain’s Free Arbitration Zone and Current Best Practices” (with Alexander Bedrosyan), BCDR International Arbitration Review, 2018
- Book Review of Gary Born, International Commercial Arbitration (2d Ed.), Arbitration International, 2015
- "Protection of Communications with Company Lawyers: The Last Gap in the Common Law – Civil Law Divide in Arbitration" (with James H. Boykin), Festschrift for Siegfried H. Elsing on His 65th Birthday, edited by Werner F. Ebke, Dirk Olzen, Otto Sandrock, R&W Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2015
- "When the BIT hits the FAA: U.S. Courts Confront Conditions Precedent in Bilateral Investment Treaties," Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation, the Fordham Papers, edited by Arthur W. Rovine, Brill Nijhoff, 2014
- The Rise and Fall of Class Arbitration, published in the AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law (23rd edition) (2011)
- The New Bahrain Arbitration Law and the Bahrain ‘Free Arbitration Zone,’ Dispute Resolution Journal (2010)
- Crossing the Hot Tub: Examining Adverse Expert Witnesses in International Arbitration, in Take the Witness (Juris Publishing, 2010)
- Extending an Arbitration Clause to a Non-Signatory Claimant Or a Non- Signatory Defendant: Does it Make a Difference? Dossiers of the Institute n° VII (ICC Institute, 2010)
- Arbitrating US Antitrust Law in Pharmaceuticals Markets, in EC and US Antitrust Arbitration, G. Blanke and Ph. Landolt eds. (with Robert Reznick) (Kluwer/Aspen, 2010)
- Non-Signatories in International Arbitration – An American Perspective, in International Arbitration 2006: Back to Basics, International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress series no. 13, 2007
- Class Arbitration in the United States, LCIA News, 2007
- State Court Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements, Reports to the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, 2006
- Holding the Fort Until the Arbitrators Are Appointed: The New ICDR International Emergency Rule (with Ben H. Sheppard, Jr.) Dispute Resolution Journal 2006
- Arbitrator Neutrality and Disclosure: The End of the “American Problem,” Journal of International Dispute Resolution – IDR, 2005
- Clash and Convergence on Ethical Issues in International Arbitration, Inter-American Law Review, 2004
- Revised Code of Ethics for Commercial Arbitrators Explained (with Bruce Meyerson), Dispute Resolution Journal, 2004
- Commentary on the July 2003 Revisions to the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules (with Paul D. Friedland), Dispute Resolution Journal, 2003/2004
- Drafting Arbitration Clauses: Avoiding the 7 Deadly Sins, Dispute Resolution Journal, 2003
- Arbitration Across the Civil Law- Common Law Divide (with Siegfried Elsing), Arbitration International, 2002; included in ADR & the Law, 17th Edition
- Recent Developments in NAFTA Arbitration, ADR Currents, 2001
- Commercial Arbitration in the United States: The Legal Structure, NAFTA Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes, Mexico City, 1999, published in Commercial Mediation and Arbitration in the NAFTA Countries (JurisNet 1999)
- The Case for Site Licenses, European Competition Law Review, 1999
- The Initiation of Arbitration Procedures, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, 1998.