Jean Thieffry

Thieffry & Associés
23, avenue Hoche
75116 Paris
Senior Partner, Thieffry & Associés; Professor: Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C.) (1987- ); Centre d'Etude du Commerce Extérieur (C.E.C.E.) (1978- )
Int’ Commission of the Bar of the Court of Paris
ICC, Belgian national committee
Neutral arbitrator, ICC case, Swiss party v. French party, re: compensation claim for termination of contract of supply and patent license (1985); Neutral arbitrator, ICC case, French party v. English party, re: violation of a contractual clause prohibiting the use of technology (1986); Counsel, eleven arbitrations re: defense against claim for damages for breach of distribution contract in Africa (French law); compensation claim for nonperformance of petroleum purchasing contract (French law); compensation claim for nonperformance of turnkey contract (French law); compensation claim for nonperformance of contract for uranium sale (U.S. law); defense against action for crane accident (Swiss law); compensation claim for nonperformance of contract for nuclear industry components (French law); request for payment
for performance of supplementary work in nuclear plant construction (Korean law); request by subcontractor for payment and damages for nonperformance of contract regarding hospital construction contract in Middle East (United Arab Emirates law) (1984-1987); defense of French company of allegation of contractual nonperformance (French law); defense of French manufacturer in a banking-related action (French law); defense of French pharmaceutical company for non-fulfillment of quotas in a license agreement (Swedish law); (ICSID) irregular privatization in an African state
Author of numerous articles in French and international legal journals re: international economic contracts, transfer of technology, international arbitration, international sales contracts; Co-author of book in French on International Sales law.