Yasuhei Taniguchi
3-13 Yoshida-Kaguraoka-Cho
Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606
Associate Professor of Law, Kyoto Univ. (1959); Professor, Kyoto Univ. (1971- ); Visiting Professor of Law, Univ. of Michigan (1976-1977), Univ. of California at Berkeley (1985), Duke Univ. (1987), Georgetown Univ. (1990), Stanford Univ. (1991), Univ. of Hong Kong (1990), Melbourne and Perth, Australia (1991), Harvard and New York Univ. (1993), New York Univ. (1995); Research in Florence (1967,1971), Harvard (1970- 1971), Aix-en-Provence (1978), Cologne (1977-1978)
President, Japan Association of Civil Procedure; Board member, Japan Association of Comparative Law; Société Franco- Japonaise; Council member, ICCA; Board Member, Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht; Vice-président, Association International de Méthodologies Juridique; Board member, International Association of Procedural Law; International Academy of Comparative Law
JCAA (Japan); CIETAC (China); KHIAC (Hong Kong); AAA; Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration
Chairman, two ICC cases, re: airport construction dispute in a developing country (1991); party-appointed arbitrator, re: construction in a developing country (1990); three JCAA cases: party-appointed arbitrator, re: break-up of a joint venture in Japan (1990), termination of a distributorship agreement (1992), architectural design contract (1994)
Tosan-Shori-Ho (Law of Insolvencies) (Tokyo 1976, 2d ed. 1982); Kojutsu Minjisoshoho (Narrative of Civil Procedure), (Tokyo 1984); The Japanese in American Litigations, in W. Habscheid ed. Der Justizkonflikte mit Vereinigten Staaten (1986); Commercial Arbitration in Japan, in P. Sanders ed. Arbitration in Settlement of International Commercial Dispute involving Far East (1989).