Arthur W. Rovine

1114 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd floor
New York, NY 10036
Partner, Baker & McKenzie – 1983-2005; Agent of the United States to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal – 1981-1983; Assistant Legal Adviser, Department of State (treaties) – 1975-1981; Attorney, Department of State – 1972-1974; Teaching – Yale Law School, Visiting Lecturer in Law (International Arbitration), 1998; Georgetown University Law School, Adjunct Professor of Law (International Law), 1977-1981; Cornell University, Assistant Professor Government (Int’l Law), 1966-1972
Foreign banks v. foreign bond issuers (2006– ). Appointed arbitrator by the ICDR, Mark Kantor, Chairman. AAA international rules; claims of failure to pay principal and interest due; U. K. corporation v. Romania (2006– ). Party-appointed arbitrator by the UK corporation, Piero
Bernardini, Chairman. ICSID Rules; claims of expropriation, failure to provide fair and equitable treatment, discriminatory measures involving duty-free operations at Romanian airports; U.S. corporation v. United Mexican States (2006 – 2007). Party-appointed arbitrator by the U.S. corporations (Bernardo Cremades Chairman). ICSID Rules; claims of expropriation, discriminatory treatment, failure to provide fair and inequitable treatment and performance requirements, through taxation; U.S. corporations v. United Mexican States (2005). Party-appointed arbitrator, by the U.S. corporations, on a consolidation panel established under NAFTA, Article 1126 (Bernardo Cremades Chairman). ICSID Rules; Oil company v. the United Nations (1996-1997). Party– appointed arbitrator, by the United Nations. Gerald Aksen, Chairman. UNCITRAL Rules; claims involving the sale of oil to the UN for UN peacekeeping operations in Somalia; Numerous investor/state cases argued as counsel under the UNCITRAL rules at the Iran-U.S.Claims Tribunal and presented at the UN Compensation Commission under its rules. Numerous cases argued as counsel at the ICC, AAA, Stockholm Institute, and ad hoc arbitrations.
“The United Nations Compensation Commission,” International Law News, American Bar Association, Section of International Law, Spring 2006, Vol. 35, No. 2, 10-12 (2006); “Introduction to Session on Issues in Integrated Dispute Resolution Systems,” New Horizons in International Commercial Arbitration and Beyond, ICCA Int’l Arb.Congress, A.J. van den Berg, Ed. (Kluwer Law International, 2005), pp. 439-445; “The Dispute Arises –What Next?” chapter in International Arbitration Checklists (Huntington, New York, Juris Publishing, Inc., 2004), pp. 1-8; “International Law in United States Courts,” Proc. of the American Branch of the ILA, 2001-2002, pp. 26-42; “The Scope of Discovery in International Arbitral Proceedings,” 5 Tul. J. of Int’l & Comp. Law, 1997, pp. 401-406; “Toward a Foreseeability Approach to Causation Questions at the United Nations Compensation Commission” (with Grant Hanessian), A Chapter in The United Nations Compensation Commission, Thirteenth Sokol Colloquium, R. Lillich, ed. (Irvington, New York: Transnat’l Pub., Inc. 1995), pp. 235-255; “Enforcement in the United States of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitration Awards,” Chapter 9 of the Proc. of the Forty-First Ann. Rocky Mt. Mineral Law Inst. (Denver, Rocky Mt.
Mineral Law Foundation, 1995), pp. 9-1– 9-32; ‘Fast-Track’ Arbitration: A Step Away From Judicialization Of International Arbitration,” A Chapter in International Arbitration in The 21st Century: Towards“Judicialization” and Uniformity?, Twelfth Sokol Colloquium, R. Lillich and C. Brower, eds. (Irvington, New York: Transnat’l Pub., Inc. 1994), pp. 45-57; “Arbitration of International Disputes” (with Lawrence W. Newman), Chapter 19 of The Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice Guide, B. Roth, R. Wulff and C. Cooper, Eds. (Lawyers Cooperative Pub., 1993), pp. 1-29; “The Role of the United States Agent to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, 1981-1983,” chapter in Essays in Honor of Hans Smit, Am. Rev. Int'l Arb. Vol 3, Nos. 1-4 (1992), pp. 223-231; “An Iraq Claims Process: Where and How?” Am. Rev. Int'l Arb., Vol. 1, No. 3 (1990), pp. 411-418 ; Part II, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1991), pp. 102-109; “Recent Valuation Decisions of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal,” Mealey’s Lit. Repts/ Iranian Claims, February 3, 1984, pp. 18-23.