Bo G.H. Nilsson

Westerberg & Partners Advokatbyrå AB
Box 3101
103 62 Stockholm
Teacher—Law Faculty
ICC International Court of Arbitration (Member 2009-2016); IBA; ILA; LCIA European Council, Swedish Bar Association (Board Member 1993-2001), Swedish Arbitration Association (Past President)
Extensive experience as counsel in Swedish and international arbitration proceedings; Extensive experience as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator and chairman in Swedish and international arbitration proceedings
Chapter on Sweden in International Execution against Judgement Debtors, 1993, Sweet & Maxwell; Chapter on Sweden in International Civil Procedures, 1995, Lloyds of London Press Ltd.; Chapter on Swedish arbitration rules in Carswell’s Handbook of International Dispute Resolution Rules, 1999, Thompson Canada Ltd; miscellaneous articles on arbitration, litigation and enforcement.