Christopher R. Seppälä

19, Place Vendôme
Paris 75001, France
Partner, White & Case LLP, Paris (1988–present) and formerly with Law Offices of S.G. Archibald, Paris (1972–1988) and Sullivan & Cromwell, New York (1967–1972)
Legal Advisor, Contracts Committee of the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), Geneva. Member: Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, Indian Institute of Arbitration, Swiss Arbitration Association, International Chamber of Commerce Commission on International Commercial Arbitration, International Nuclear Law Association, American and International Bar Associations
AAA (Commercial Panel); ICC-U.S. National Committee; JCAA
Counsel in many international commercial arbitrations (ICC, JCAA, LCIA, UNCITRAL, Iran-US Claims Tribunal, and other ad hoc); and co-arbitrator or chairman in about 6 international commercial arbitrations; Vice President – Emeritus, International Court of Arbitration of the ICC.