Didier Matray

Matray, Matray & Hallet S.C.
Rue des Fories, 2
4020 Liège
ICC (Paris), ICSID (Washington), CEPANI (Belgian Arbitration Institution, Brussels), Ohada Justice and Arbitration Court (Cour Commune de Justice et d’arbitrage de l’OHADA, Abidjan), International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Vienna), ad hoc
More than 45 international arbitrations, either as sole arbitrator, or as co-arbitrator or as counsel; conflicts between Belgian companies and state-owned Arabian companies re: factory building; Belgian and an Arabian state re: sale of equipment; African manufacturer and African bank: re: re: credit agreement; Belgian company and African State: re: key turn contract; Belgian company and U.S. company re: agency contract; arbitration re: agency contracts between Belgian manufacturer and Austrian subcontractor, re: sale of good, investment contracts; disputes between States and companies
Author of numerous articles, reports and other publications on arbitration law, contracts, corporation, joint ventures, Mergers and Acquisition, shareholder’s agreements.