François Knoepfler

Etude d’avocats
Serre 4
2000 Neuchâtel
Professor of Private International Law (1972- ) and Comparative Civil Law (1973- ), Univ. of Neuchâtel Univ.; Dean of the
Department of Law, Univ. of Neuchâtel (1986-1987); Director, Seminar for Advanced Studies, The Hague (1974); Chairman, Federal Commission of Experts for the Codification of Swiss Private International Law (1973-1978)
President, Bar of the Neuchâtel Canton; Swiss Bar Association; Chairman of the Board, Swiss Institute for Comparative Law; International Law Assoc.; Chairman, Swiss Assoc. for International Law
Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce; Swiss Arbitration Association
Sole arbitrator, Baron Levêque, Belgium v. Le Wali, Algeria; Ralfo Ltd, Israel v. Trade Enterprise Insyst, Bulgaria; Chairman: Tunzini,
France v. I.C.A.T., USA-Egypt; Mecanarbed, France-Egypt v. El Tantawi Co., Egypt; Neues Wollkontor, Austria-Germany v. Sümerbank Merinos, Turkey; Arab World Egyptair, Egypt v. Sté des Hôtels Concorde, France; Meridien S.A., France v. Guney Tourisme & Investment S.A., Turkey; International Military Services Limited (UK) v. Defence Industries Organization of the Ministry of the Islamic
Republic of Iran (Iran); GAF Building Materials Corporation (USA) v. Asia Glass Fiber Industries Co Ltd. (Thaïlande); Party Appointed arbitrator: Sonatrach, Algeria v. de Meyer Zeltate, Belgium; and various others
Le contrat dans le nouveau droit international privé suisse (Lausanne 1988); Précis de droit international privé (with Philippe Schweizer) (Berne 1990); Making of Awards and Termination of Proceedings, in Essays on International Commercial Arbitration 160 (London 1989); Les accords de joint venture et des limites du droit international privé, in Conflits et harmonisation, Mélanges en l’honneur d’Alfred E. von Overbeck 747 (Fribourg 1990); Jurisprudence suisse en matière d’arbitrage international, Annual Review published in the Swiss Review of International and European Law, since 1991; and numerous articles.