Jacques Werner

Werner & Associés
13, rue du Rhône
P.O. Box 5134
CH-1211 Geneva 11
Principal, Werner & Associés (1976– ); Legal Counsel, Cargill International, Geneva (1974-1976); Legal Counsel, Nestlé S.A., Vevey (1970-1974)
Member, Commission on International Arbitration, ICC; Chairman of the Geneva Global Arbitration Forum; Member of the Board of Trustees of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, 2004 to 2012; Adjunct Professor at City University of Hong Kong
ICC, Swiss national committee; AAA; LCIA; Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Regional Centre for Commercial Arbitration, Cairo
Arbitrator in more than 100 international cases, namely: Chairman of tribunal, 35 ICC cases; Sole Arbitrator, 18 ICC cases; Arbitrator, 59 ICC cases; Chairman, 12 ad hoc cases; Sole Arbitrator, 3 ad hoc cases; Arbitrator, 45 ad hoc cases
Journal of World Investment & Trade, and other publications in the field of arbitration, international trade and intellectual property