Neil Kaplan

Esssex Court Chambers
24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3ED
United Kingdom
Des Voeux Chambers
Bank of East Asia Building
Hong Kong, S.A.R.
Advocate, private practice, Hong Kong (1983- ); Appointed Queen’s Counsel for Hong Kong (1982); Deputy Principal Crown Counsel, Attorney General’s Chambers, Hong Kong (Civil Litigation) (1980-1982); Principal Crown Counsel (Deputy Law Officer on civil side) (1982); Law Reform Commission sub-committee on UNCITRAL Model Law (1986-1988); High Court Judge (in charge of the Construction and Arbitration
List), Hong Kong (1990-1994)
Vice President and Fellow of Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators; Former Chairman of the Hong Kong Branch of Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators; Chairman, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (1991- present); Chairman, Dispute Review Board, Hong Kong’s New Airport; Member of Council, ICCA
Panelist in china (CIETAC), Australia, England, Hong Kong, Korea, Austria, AAA and Singapore
Acted as both Sole Arbitrator and Member of Panel (both as chairman and member) in numerous cases both domestic and international in England, Hong Kong, America, Singapore, India, Laos, Malaysia, China, Korea, Japan and Dubai
Co-author of two textbooks on Arbitration in Hong Kong and China, author of various articles on international commercial arbitration and coauthor of the ICCA handbook on Hong Kong Arbitration Law.