Thomas H. Webster

60 Woodsford Square
London W14 8DS
United Kingdom
Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Paris: Partner specializing in international arbitration and litigation; dealing also with mergers and acquisitions) (1985 – 1998).
Dewey Ballantine, New York and Paris: Associate specializing in Mergers & Acquisitions and corporate and commercial law (1979 – 1985).
Lecturer, Institut de Droit Comparé, Université de Paris (II) (1976-1977).
-Association Suisse d’arbitrage
-AIA Paris
Canadian Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Canadian representative to the ICC Arbitration Commission; Member of AAA Panel of Arbitrators; DIAC Panel of Arbitrators; CRCICA Panel of Arbitrators; Canadian ICC Panel of Arbitrators; Member from 2005 to 2012 of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
Over 120 arbitrations as arbitrator (presiding arbitrator, co-arbitrator and sole arbitrator) and over 50 arbitrations as counsel under UNCITRAL and all major institutional arbitration rules. The arbitrations have dealt with a broad range of matters including financing arrangements, oil production and engineering, construction, thermal, wind, solar and electrical power generation, telecommunications, share purchase agreements, investment agreements, oil exploration and operations, environmental issues, representation and distribution agreements and pharmaceuticals. The applicable law in the arbitrations has included US law (various states), English law, French law, Swiss law, Turkish law, German law, Belgian law, Canadian law (various provinces), Spanish law, Italian law, Egyptian law, Ethiopian law, law of Trinidad and Tobago, Bulgarian law, Philippines law, Saudi law, UAE law, Chadian law and Sudanese law.
Books: Handbook of ICC Arbitration (4th Edition) (Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell) with Michael Bühler (October 2018). (Prior editions published in 2014, 2008 and 2005)
Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration (3rd Edition) (Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell) (to be published March 2019). (Prior editions published in 2014 and 2010)
Articles: “Agreements to Arbitrate and the Place of Arbitration: Divergences in approach” Dispute Resolution International (May 2014); “Efficiency in Investment Arbitration: Recent Decisions on Preliminary and Costs Issues”, Vol. 26 No.3 Arbitration International (December 2009); “Functus Officio and Remand in International Arbitration” Vol. 27 ASA Bulletin No. 3 (September 2009); "Review of Substantive Reasoning of International Awards by National Courts: Ensuring One-Stop Adjudication”, Vol. 23 No. 3 Arbitration International (June 2006); “Evolving Principles regarding Enforcement of Awards subject to Annulment Proceedings” Vol. 22 Journal of International Arbitration (June 2006); "Terms of Reference and French Annulment Proceedings", Vol. 20 Journal of International Arbitration (December 2003);
"Party Control in International Arbitration" Vol. 19 No. 2 Arbitration International (2003); "Selecting Arbitrators in a Nutshell", Vol . 19 No. 3 Journal of International Arbitration (2002); "Obtaining Evidence from Third Parties in International Arbitration " Vol. 17 No. 2 Arbitration International (2001); "Obtaining Documents from Adverse Parties in International Arbitration" Vol. 17 No. 1 Arbitration International (2001).