Benjamin J. Greenberg

Stock Exchange Tower, 43rd Floor
800 Victoria Square, P.O. Box 303
Montreal (Quebec) H4Z 1H1 Canada
Judge Greenberg has been appointed Queen’s Counsel, February 1976. He has also been appointed to the Quebec Superior Court, December 1976, where he served for more than 22 years; Judge Greenberg is a member of the Quebec Bar, the Canadian Bar Association and the International Bar Association. He is an associate member of the American Bar Association.
Member of the AAA/ICDR International Arbitration Panel; Accredited to the International Energy Arbitrators List established pursuant to the ENERGY CHARTER TREATY; Listed among the very limited number of Canadians in “Who’s Who Legal, the International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers”, London, U.K., in their 2017 publication: “THE INTERNATIONAL WHO’S WHO OF COMMERCIAL ARBITRATORS”; Judge Greenberg is a past President (2002-2005) and since 1999 a Member of the International Arbitration Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC), the Canadian Affiliate of ICC Paris (“ICC Canada”); listed on the International Arbitration Panel of ADR Chambers and ADR Chambers International, Toronto; named 2013 and 2019 Montréal International Arbitration Lawyer of the Year by the “Best Lawyers in Canada.” Recognized by: The 2019 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada in the area of International Arbitration; Who’s Who Legal 100 in the arbitration sector; The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, as a practitioner “most frequently recommended” (the highest rating) in the international commercial arbitration sector; The 2017 edition of Lexpert/American Lawyer Media publication, Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada in the international commercial arbitration sector; The Lexpert Guide to the Leading Canada/US Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada in the international commercial arbitration sector; Lexpert’s special edition on Leading Litigation Lawyers, December 2012, as a leader in his field of practice. He is AV® Peer Review Rated according to Martindale-Hubbell (Very High to Pre-eminent), its highest level of professional ranking. In November 2013, Judge Greenberg was admitted to the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals (“International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution”), New York, USA. He is a member of the Quebec Bar, the Canadian Bar Association and the International Bar Association. He is an associate member of the American Bar Association. Mr. Greenberg is a former Board member from 1970 to 2010 and President of the Miriam Home and Services from February 2000 to December 2002. He is a former member of the Japan Society of Canada, Director of the Society 1969-1972 and President 1970-1971.
Judge Greenberg was named by the Government of Canada in 1999 as its nominee on a 3-person ARBITRAL PANEL in a NAFTA CHAPTER 11 Arbitration. Moreover, Judge Greenberg has sat and/or is sitting as Sole Arbitrator, Party-appointed Arbitrator and/or as Chairman of 3-person Arbitral Panels in a total of more than 80 cases; including NAFTA CHAPTER 11, ICSID, AAA/ICDR, ICC and AD HOC under various Rules, including the UNCITRAL RULES, the Swedish Arbitration Rules, State of New York Arbitration Rules and Province of Quebec Arbitration Rules. The subject matters of those Arbitrations were/was:
• Softwood lumber exports from Canada to the USA (the NAFTA case);
• Licence Agreements;
• Distributor Agreements;
• Agency Agreements;
• Hotel management;
• Dam construction;
• Automatic internal pipeline welding machines;
• Shareholder disputes, including share valuations;
• Disputes between professional partnerships and a withdrawing partner; (law firms and CPA firms)
• Interpret wills, disputes among heirs;
• Public transportation;
• Contract claims, international and domestic business matters, including: steel importation, machinery/equipment importation and various other subjects;
• Bilateral Investment Treaty (ICSID);
• Agreement of Sale of Business assets or shares;
• Commercial leasing disputes (including fixing fair market rental value).
As a Judge of the Quebec Superior Court from 1976 to 1999, he issued innumerable Judgments that have been published in the Quebec and Canadian Law Reports. Moreover, in the NAFTA CHAPTER 11 Arbitration in which he sat, a total of 17 Interim, Interlocutory, Partial and Final Awards were issued, all of which have been published on many websites which publish NAFTA Awards, including the website of the Government of Canada.