Samir M. Hamza

Nile City Building, North Tower
Twenty-First Floor
Cornich El Nil
Ramlet Beaulac, Cairo, Egypt
Partner, Baker & McKenzie (1984- ); Legal Advisor, Law Office of Dr. Taher Hemy, Baker & McKenzie, Riyadh (1979-1984); Legal Advisor, Baker & McKenzie, Chicago (1977-1979); Legal Advisor, Kuwait government (1974-1976); Legal Advisor, Kuwait Ministry of Justice (1971-1974); Attorney, Akariah Company (1961-1963 and 1967-1971); Attorney, Dr. Zaki Hashem Law Firm, Cairo (1963-1967)
Egyptian Bar Assoc.; ABA
Acted as a party appointed arbitrator in one ICC case. All arbitration experience has been as a lawyer for either the claimant or the defendant. I have participated in arbitrations under the ICC rules held in Paris/Geneva/Cairo and under the UNCITRAL rules and the Cairo Regional Center for Commercial Arbitration held in Cairo and numerous other ad hoc arbitrations held outside Egypt.
Two articles on Saudi Arabian Service Agents Law, one published in the “Business Lawyer” in 1979, and the other in the “International Lawyer” in 1983, both publications of the American Bar Association. Two articles on the Arab Boycott Laws, published in 1978 in the United States in the “Boycott Bulletin”. Co-authored article on Transfer of Technology, published in 1986 in “Middle East Executive Reports”. Article on Egyptian Commercial Agency Law published in 1988 in the “International Law Journal”, Georgetown University Law Center. Co-authored article on Middle East Laws on Bribery, Prohibited Payments, and Conflict of Interest, published in 1991 in “International Trade: Avoiding Criminal Risks”, Butterworths publication. Coauthored article on Telecommunications Law in Egypt, published in 1992 in “Telecommunications Laws in Europe”, Baker & McKenzie publication. Authored article on Environmental Regulation in Egypt, published in 1992 in “Regulating the European Environment”, Baker & McKenzie publication and updated in 1996. Presented a paper on “Judicial and Border Measures in the TRIPS Agreement and their Implementation in the Arab World” in the AEPPI Symposium in Cairo (October 1997). “International Environmental Auditor”, section on Egypt, published in 1998, Government Institutes publication. “International Tracing of Assets”, section on Egypt, 1999, Sweet & Maxwell publication. Presented several papers on E-Commerce, Domain Names and TRIPS under the WTO. Participated in the WIPO internet domain name consultation process in Cairo (November 1998) and presented a paper to the panel. Presented a paper on “The transfer of technology under the new Egyptian Commercial Code and its Compliance with TRIPS” for the German-Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Cairo (November 1999). Presented a paper on “Egypt’s commitments towards the GATT: Legal Services for TRIPS Agreement commitments” held by ECES in Cairo (March 2000). Article on Utility Regulation in Egypt, published in 2000 in “Privatization International”. Presented a paper on “Privatization and BOOT Projects in Utility Sectors in Egypt” for the Euromoney Conference held in Cairo (September 2001). Presented a paper on “Regulatory and Auditing Framework” at the Conference on Corporate Governance & Practices under Egyptian Law, held in Cairo (October 2001). Presented a paper on “Arbitration in the Field of Securities in Egypt – The Impact of the Constitutional Court’s Decision of January 13, 2002” before the Stock Exchange (October2002). Presented a paper on “The Consumers’ Rights under the New Telecom Law” at the Federation of Egyptian Industries Meeting held in Cairo (March 2003). Presented a paper on “Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights in the New Egyptian Legislation” at the WIPO/AEPPI International Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries, held in Cairo (April 2003). Presented a paper on “LegalComments on the New Banking Law” before the AmCham Banking Finance & Insurance Committee held in Cairo (August 2003). Presented a paper on “The New Egyptian Telecom Law” at the Telecommunications Conference: Advancing Egypt’s Legal & Regulatory Framework held in Cairo (October 2003). Presented a paper on “The Competition Law”, AEPPI Conference (April 2005). Authored memorandum on the Executive Regulations of the E-Signature Law (June 2005). Prepared the Egyptian section on “Attachment of Assets”—Juris Publishing Incorporated (2006). Presented a paper on “Market Exit”—Conference on Entrepreneurship (November 2006). Presented a paper on “Market Exit” conference on Entrepreneurship (November 2006). Comments on the Draft of the Corporate Governance rules for the Banking Sector (October 2007). Prepared a Survey on “Money Laundering” under Egyptian Law—Published in International Financial Markets Guide (September 2007).