Masato Dogauchi

T&K Partners
Sabo Building, 2F
2-7-5 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0093
Research Assistant, The University of Tokyo, 1978-1981; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1982-1984; Research Assistant, Meiji University, 1983-1984; Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, 1984-1996; Professor, The University of Tokyo, 1996-2004; Professor, Waseda University, 2004-present; Research Abroad: University of Michigan, Law School, Visiting Scholar (1987-1988); Columbia University, School of Law, Visiting Scholar (1988-1989).
Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA); WIPO Domain Name Panelists; Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB); Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA).
English: “Forthcoming Rules on International Jurisdiction”, Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law, No.12, pp.212-224, 2011; “Historical Development and Fundamental Principles of Japanese Private International Law” in Juergen Basedow/Harald Baum/Yuko Nishitani eds., Japanese and European Private International Law in Comparative Perspective, pp.27-60, (Mohr Siebeck, 2007); “New Private International Law of Japan: An Overview”, Japanese Annual of International Law, No.50, pp.3-14, 2007; “Explanatory Report on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (The Hague Conference on Private International Law, 2007); “Four-Step Analysis of Private International Law”, Recueil des cours, Vol. 315 pp. 9-140, 2005; “The Activities of the Japan Sports Arbitration Agency”, in Ian Blackshaw/Robert Siekmann/Janwillem Soek, The Court of Arbitration for Sport 1984-2004 (T.M.C.Asser Press, 2006); “Judicial Jurisdiction in the Era of E-commerce”, Toshiyuki Kono, Christoph G. Paulus and Harry Rajak eds., selected legal issues of E-commerce, pp 127-144, Kluwer Law international, 2002; Jurisdiction over Foreign Patent Infringement from a Japanese Perspective in Consideration of the Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters as of June 2002”, Japanese Annual of International Law, No.44, pp.35-59, 2001; “The Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters from a Japanese Perspective”, Japanese Journal of Private International Law, No.3, pp.80-118, 2001; “Private International Law on Intellectual Property: A Civil Law Overview”, WIPO Forum on Private International Law and Intellectual Property, Geneva, January 30-31 2001; “Law Applicable to Torts and Copyright Infringement Through the Internet,” Legal Aspects of Globalization: Conflict of Laws, Internet, Capital Markets and Insolvency in a Global Economy, pp. 49-65, 2000, Kluwer Law; “Respect for the Act of Foreign State: The Validity of Foreign Patents,” Conference paper, Internet Law and Policy Forum, San Francisco, September 11-13, 2000; “Conflict of Laws on Admiralty and Shipping Laws in Japan,” Japanese Annual of International Law, No. 30, pp 1-17, 1987; International Trade in Services from the Japanese Viewpoint,” Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 425-441, 1989; “Transfrontier Nuclear Civil Liability Without International Conventions,” Nuclear Inter Jura ‘91, 1991; “The Amendment of the Vienna Convention: Its Procedural Aspects,” Symposium on Nuclear Accidents: Liabilities and Guarantees, 1992; “Globalization of Dispute Settlement Involving Japanese Companies,” Japanese Commercial Law: In an Era of Internationalization, pp. 237-247, 1994; “Concurrent Litigations in Japan and the United States,” Japanese Annual of International Law, No. 34, pp. 72-94, 1994; “Japan,” Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law, pp. 303-319, 1995; “Draft Articles on the Law Applicable to Contractual and Non-Contractual Obligations and (2),” Japanese Annual of International Law, No. 39, pp. 185-216, 1995, No. 40, pp.57-79, 1996; “The Structural Impediments Initiatives: A Model for Dealing with International Economic Frictions,” Trilateral Perspectives on International Legal Issues: Relevance of Domestic Law & Policy, pp. 249-262, 1996.
German: “Parallele Verfahren in Japan und den USA,” Herausforderungen des Internationalen Zivilverfahrensrechts, pp. 163-184, 1994.
French: “Note concernant la nouvelle loi Japonaise sur la nationalité,” Revue critique de droit international privé, pp. 579-588, 1986.
Japanese: See,