Thibault Beurnier
50, boulevard de Courcelles
Paris 75017
Coudert Frères, Slaughter and May, Counsel at the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, KAB Kuckenburg Bureth et associés, Lazareff Le Bars.
International Arbitration Commission of the ICC French National Committee, International Arbitration Institute, International Law Association
1992 Counsel in a French ad hoc arbitration; 1995 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between an African company and an African State company; 1996 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a French company and a Spanish company; 1997 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a Moroccan company and an Italian company; 1999 Counsel in an ad hoc arbitration between a French company and a Luxembourg company; 2001 Party-appointed arbitrator in a French ad hoc arbitration; 2001 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a Luxembourg company and the Romanian State; 2001 Counsel in an ICSID arbitration between an Italian company and a Moroccan State company; 2002 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a Czech company and a UK company; 2003 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a Brazilian company and a Polish State company; 2004 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a French company and a Spanish company; 2004 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a Cypriot company and a Czech company; 2006 Counsel in an ICC arbitration between a French company and a Slovenian company; 2012 ICC appointed Chairman in an ICC arbitration between a Finnish company and a Vietnamese State company; 2013 Counsel un an ICC arbitration between a Norwegian company and a Tunisian company.
“Clause d’arbitrage de la CCI”, 12/1995, Bulletin européen et international, Paris; “République de Géorgie : la loi sur les entrepreneurs”, 2/1997, Cahiers juridiques et fiscaux de l’exportation, CFCE, Paris; “Arbitration in France”, CMS Guide to Arbitration in Europe, 3/2006, CMS, London