Ian Barker

Bankside Chambers
Level 22, Lumley Centre
88 Shortland Street
Auckland 1001, New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 28 203
Auckland 1136
New Zealand
Barrister 1958 – 1976; Judge of High Court of NZ 1976 – 1997; Judge of Appeal in various Pacific States 1997 – current; President, Arbitrators’ & Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ) 2000-2002; Door Tenant, Essex Court Chambers, London, UK; Domain Name Disputes Panelist for WIPO 2000 – current; Present, WIPO Workshops for Arbitration and Domain Name Disputes, Geneva, 2001
AMINZ; LEADR (NZ), HKIAC, BCIAC, Australian Commercial Disputes Centre, AAA, WIPO, NAF, SIAC; ICSID (NZ Government Appointee since 1999), NZ member ICC Commission on Arbitration.
Since 1998, appointed as sole arbitrator (once as Chair of a 3-person panel) by parties in commercial disputes in New Zealand often involving large sums, resulting in some 73 awards. Appointed in numerous other arbitrations which were settled before or during an arbitral hearing. Appointed by the ICC Paris, in the following international arbitrations: Chair of a tribunal in Seattle, USA, involvingJapanese and Russian parties; Sole arbitrator in Manila involving Filipino and US parties; Chair of a tribunal in Wellington, New Zealand involving New Zealand and Fijian parties; Chair of a tribunal in Honolulu, USA, involving United States and Korean parties; Default appointee nominated by the ICC as a co-arbitrator involving Australian and Papua New Guinea parties; Chair of a tribunal in Manila, Philippines involving Filipino parties (still proceeding). Appointed (2006) by the ICC (as nominating authority) as Chair of an ad hoc arbitral tribunal in an Investment Treaty Dispute between a European investor and an Asian nation. Arbitrated various disputes, including: gas entitlements and contracts, construction disputes, rental disputes of all kinds and commercial and corporate disputes over a wide variety of topics. An arbitration in 2002 where my involvement became public knowledge, was a dispute between airlines and the airport authority over landing changes at Wellington International Airport.
Papers at IBA Conference, Auckland, October 2004 on: NZ experience of UNCITRAL law; NZ experience on protection of cultural heritage items; Specialist courts for Intellectual Property cases (commentator).(2004) NZ Law Journal 489 “Arbitration Mediation and the Courts”; (2003) Int. Arb. Law Review 124 “Recent Developments in Arbitration in New Zealand; (2003) Asian Dispute Review 13, “Arbitration & Dispute Resolution in New Zealand – Recent Developments”; (2003) IBA International Arbitration Day, Sydney, Australia “Recent Developments in Arbitration in New Zealand; Keynote Speech: AMINZ Conference 2005 “The 20th Anniversary of UNCITRAL Model Law”; (2006) Fiji Legal Lali, Vol. IX “ADR in Fiji”. Paper “The Role of the Judiciary” at IBA/ICC Conference on Arbitration, New Delihi, December 2009.